A survey of teachers in the Charleston, South Carolina area reveals that nearly half plan to pursue graduate education in the next five years.

“Because of the importance of retaining quality teachers and preparing tomorrow’s leaders in educational ranks, our K4-12 Education Advisory Board felt it was important for us to learn more about teacher career goals and possible impediments to realizing such goals,” Nancy Muller, director of the Lowcountry Graduate Center, said. “This insight will enable our local schools and school districts, and the universities that are providing graduate education of our teachers, to align resources appropriately to better prepare for our region’s future.”

The survey also showed that most teachers prefer hybrid classes that involve video conferencing or online content with some face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. Approximately one-third of the respondents indicated a desire for self-paced learning and fewer than 17% want …

Source: Palmetto Business Daily